


CBMHP Policy 2023-24


1. Sydney Minor Hockey Association will administer the 50/50 draw.

2. There will be a Cape Breton Minor Hockey Partners lead team with at least two

(2) representatives from each minor hockey association as well as a

representative from the major teams.

3. Only Cape Breton Minor Hockey Partner associations and teams * will be

distributed 50/50 tickets.

4. Sydney Minor Hockey Association will collect and track all monies in a separate

bank account for 50/50 revenue.

5. All unsold tickets must be returned at the end of the fundraiser.

a. A fee will be applied to each outstanding ticket

6. A valid ticket for any draw is a ticket:

a. issued by Cape Breton Minor Hockey Partners and partners* for the

purpose of the 50/50 draw;

b. with the proper name and telephone number on the ticket written in a clear

and concise manner so that it can be easily read;

c. With current year (2023-24) posted

d. Is paid for in full.



7. There is one 50/50 prize. The 50/50 prize value will be equal to half the 50/50

ticket sales revenue.

8. Tickets for the 50/50 raffle are priced as follows: 1 paper ticket for $1.00.

9. One 50/50 ticket will be drawn randomly by someone not associated with Cape

Breton Minor Hockey Partners and/or partner teams. Two other people will be

present to witness the draw. The name and ticket number of the winning ticket

holder will be posted on the Cape Breton Minor Hockey Partners and team

partners Facebook page and website (http://sydney.goalline.ca &


10.The winner must be legal age (19 years) to purchase tickets.

11. The winner will be contacted by telephone and given instructions on how to claim

their prize.

12. Winner must provide a valid proof of age/identity before receiving payment of


13. The prize draw will be held weekly at the Membertou Health and Wellness

Centre, Membertou, NS, starting on September 24, 2023 and each consecutive

Sunday thereafter until March 31, 2024 by 4:00pm.

14.The winner need not be present to claim his/her prize.

15.There are no refunds on tickets.

16. Parents are responsible for tracking their own number of tickets taken

and returned.

17. All association or major team accounts must be cleared and at a zero (0)

balance before any money is released to the parent/guardian of a player.

*Cape Breton Minor Hockey Association partners include:

? Sydney Steelers MHA

? Cape Breton Blizzard FMA

? Cape Breton County MHA

? Cape Breton Lynx

? Cape Breton Jets

? Joneljim Cougars

? Mitsubishi Rush

? Kameron Jr. Miners

Distribution of Funds

Associations and Major Teams

? Funds will be paid throughout the year via application through SMHA office

(Contact SMHA office for application)

? At year end, after the CBMHP expenses/bills have been reconciled,

associations will receive their players account totals for distribution.

Player Accounts

Parents must submit a request form to release the player account money

throughout the year. SMHA office checks with the Secretary/Finance

person/Treasurer of the Association or Major Team to determine if the player has

outstanding balance. Cape Breton Minor Hockey Partners will only release player

balance after their amount owing to the team is paid in full.


Family Accounts

Player accounts (Siblings in different organizations)


Families with siblings in different organizations will identify under

which player the tickets will be submitted during initial ticket distribution at

the beginning of the year. At the end of the year, the association amounts

will be split equally among organizations for each player. For example, 2

children in the family playing for Cape Breton Minor Hockey Partners,

CBCMHA, BFHA = 50% shared cost of association earnings; 3 children =

33%; 4 children = 25%, etc.


Families with children on a major team and an association, the major

team player is considered independent of the association and therefore the

association player(s) must sell the minimum amount of tickets required by

their association.

Breakdown of ticket sale:

Association Players:

50% goes to the prize, 25% goes to the player, and 20% goes to

Associations (Goalie development, referees, player development, lower

registration fees, etc.), 5% goes to administration fees (cost to print the

tickets, lottery license fee, online fees, etc).

Major teams:

50% goes to the prize, 40% goes to the player, and 10% goes to

administration fees (cost to print the tickets, draw workers, lottery license fee, banking fees, etc)