



Cape Breton County Minor Hockey Association (CBMHA) is committed to a successful 50-50 Lottery Program.  The lottery is intended to raise funds for the Association and to help offset the cost of participation for its members.  The Association will use lottery proceeds to offset a portion of the operational expenses and to provide the members with an enhanced development program.    Members benefit directly from the lottery by way of reduced registration fees and a direct reward, based on individual lottery ticket sales.


  1. There will be weekly draws during the hockey season.

  2. The date for the first draw will be set before the season starts. Normally this will be the last Sunday in September

  3. Draws during the Christmas holidays will be scheduled based on what day of the week Christmas and New Year’s occur


  1. Each player will earn $ .25 cents for each ticket sold, which is held in a players account for use the following season.

    1. Player account funds will be applied to Registration Fees and then Rep Fees 

    2. Players may elect to use excess player account funds for hockey related purposes given that there is excess funds after all family member registration fees for next year are covered.  (ex Spring hockey, clinics, hockey camps). If registration fees for any hockey program, clinic or camp have to be paid prior to June 15th, receipts can be submitted to the Minor Hockey Office and funds will be reimbursed.

      Players can apply for funding from their player account by submitting a request to cbcmha5050@gmail.com

    3. All player accounts that have excess funds in their account after their registration fees for next year are covered, will be paid out after June 15th of that hockey season (unless a request is made to have all or partial funds remain in the account).  Requests must be submitted by emailing cbcmha5050@gmail.com.

    4. For Under 18 players in their final year of hockey with the association, their current player account funds can be used towards their current registration fees provided they have enough funds in their account.  The remaining funds in their accounts will be paid out by June 15th of current hockey season.

    5. Players who have funds in their account and registered with another association, will have these funds transferred to that association. 

    6. Players with funds in their account who do not return to hockey can receive a payout (date to be determined) or have monies applied to another player account.


  1. Each FAMILY is required to sell 400 tickets per season or have to pay a $300.00 opt out fee. 

    1. This minimum requirement is the same for players within a family of multiple players. (Only 400 tickets per family)

    2. Families may elect to withdraw from participation in the lottery by paying $300.00 to CBCMHA. This is in addition to: registration fees, rep fees, and any team fee and is due by December 1st. 

    3. Players who fail to meet the required 400 tickets will be required to pay the shortfall to CBMHA.  

    4. Should the player account balance be insufficient to cover the shortage, the remaining balance will be added to the player’s account.



  1. Families with two or more players in CBMHA are to consolidate all ticket sales under one player’s name.  

  2. Each player will be identified by the family email address that was recorded during the registration process.

  3. Players, who are part of a multi-player family, are considered to be in compliance of the minimum sales requirement, if one member of the family has sufficient sales volume to cover all players in that family. For example: One member of a family has sales of 400 tickets and the other two players have not recorded any sales.   CBMHA would consider each of the other two players to have met the sales requirement.



  1. Tickets can be dropped off and picked up at the Membertou Arena every scheduled draw date – between 12:00-3:00pm. Changes to the times and locations will be posted on the website and communicated in an email broadcast. Website – cbcmha.ca