
League News



- All registered County players are expected to participate in our Cape Breton Minor Hockey Partners 50/50 fundraiser (there is an additional fee added on to registration costs for those who opt out)

- CBMHP 50/50 will have 28 draws this season.  They will occur weekly through the hockey season starting Sunday September 29th and ending Sunday April 6th.  The average win for last year’s draws was approximately $30,000!!

- Tickets are $1 each and the following is the breakdown from every ticket sold:
        * 50 cents goes  to the winner
        * 25 cents goes into your player’s account
        * 20 cents goes towards your minor hockey association (County)
        * 5 cents goes towards printing costs and administration fees

- Player account money goes towards your player’s next year’s registration, and can also be used for additional hockey camps and development, purchases of new hockey gear, etc

- There will be 50/50 ticket pickup times over the next couple of weeks, with the first one being tonight , Thursday Sept 12th, from 5:30-7:30pm at Membertou Rink.  Players must be registered to play before you will be allowed to sign out tickets.

- Each week there will be a designated drop off time (typically Sundays between 12-3pm at Membertou Rink) for sold tickets.  Any tickets sold are to be returned with EXACT cash (everything accepted with the exception of dimes and nickels).  Any unsold tickets can be kept to sell for subsequent weeks. 

- You are responsible for EVERY ticket signed out!  At the end of the season tickets must be returned, sold or unsold.  Any outstanding tickets will be charged to your player’s account at full value ($1 per ticket)

- Extra tickets will be available at every drop off for those who require more tickets to sell

- The 50/50 fundraiser not only helps individual players through financial assistance with hockey costs, it also allows our association to keep our registration fees as low as possible, while still providing a high quality hockey experience for our communities’ youth!!

Sep 13, 2024